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Израил абактан 90 палестинди, ХАМАС үч туткунду бошотту. АКШнын шайланган президенти Дональд Трамп ант берип, кызматка расмий киришет. Урматбек Самаев Жалал-Абадда облус башчысынын орун басарлыгына дайындалды. Башкы прокуратуранын алдында бир адам өзүнө өрт койду.

Азаттык үналгысы

Израил абактан 90 палестинди, ХАМАС үч туткунду бошотту. АКШнын шайланган президенти Дональд Трамп ант берип, кызматка расмий киришет. Урматбек Самаев Жалал-Абадда облус башчысынын орун басарлыгына дайындалды. Башкы прокуратуранын алдында бир адам өзүнө өрт койду.

28 minutes


“Heshtja nuk është bosh; ajo është plot me përgjigje” – Anonim


“Heshtja nuk është bosh; ajo është plot me përgjigje” – Anonim

Cecile Richards, the former president of Planned Parenthood and feminist activist, died Monday of an aggressive brain cancer, her family confirmed in a statement. She was 67. Richards, the daughter of the former Democratic Texas governor, was one of the nation’s most prominent advocates for abortion rights.  “This morning our beloved Cecile passed away at […] The post Cecile Richards, former Planned Parenthood president and feminist activist, has died appeared first on The 19th.

The 19th News

Cecile Richards, the former president of Planned Parenthood and feminist activist, died Monday of an aggressive brain cancer, her family confirmed in a statement. She was 67. Richards, the daughter of the former Democratic Texas governor, was one of the nation’s most prominent advocates for abortion rights.  “This morning our beloved Cecile passed away at […] The post Cecile Richards, former Planned Parenthood president and feminist activist, has died appeared first on The 19th.

Melania Trump regresa a la Casa Blanca con un estilo de vida de lujo, bienestar y moda que sigue marcando tendencia.


Melania Trump regresa a la Casa Blanca con un estilo de vida de lujo, bienestar y moda que sigue marcando tendencia.

29 minutes

Радио Слободна Европа/Радио Слобода

Иранскиот врховен лидер Али Хамнеи во 2018 година ги прогласи преговорите со администрацијата на Трамп за „забранети“ откако републиканскиот претседател се повлече од нуклеарниот договор со Иран од 2015 година. Но, на 20 јануари годинава, портпаролот на иранското Министерство за надворешни работи, Есмаил Бакаи, изрази надеж дека втората администрација на Трамп ќе усвои „реален пристап“ и ќе ги почитува интересите на земјите од Блискиот Исток, вклучително и Иран. Мајк Волц, кој ќе...

Радио Слободна Европа/Радио Слобода

Иранскиот врховен лидер Али Хамнеи во 2018 година ги прогласи преговорите со администрацијата на Трамп за „забранети“ откако републиканскиот претседател се повлече од нуклеарниот договор со Иран од 2015 година. Но, на 20 јануари годинава, портпаролот на иранското Министерство за надворешни работи, Есмаил Бакаи, изрази надеж дека втората администрација на Трамп ќе усвои „реален пристап“ и ќе ги почитува интересите на земјите од Блискиот Исток, вклучително и Иран. Мајк Волц, кој ќе...

29 minutes

Zëri i Amerikës

Megjithëse ceremonia e inaugurimit u zhvendos në mjedise të brendshme për shkak të temperaturave tepër të ulëta në kryeqyytet, strukturat e sigurisë kanë vendosur një plan të fortë masash, me dislokimin e rreth 25 mijë oficerëve të forcave të sigurisë dhe ushtrisë

Zëri i Amerikës
Public Domain

Megjithëse ceremonia e inaugurimit u zhvendos në mjedise të brendshme për shkak të temperaturave tepër të ulëta në kryeqyytet, strukturat e sigurisë kanë vendosur një plan të fortë masash, me dislokimin e rreth 25 mijë oficerëve të forcave të sigurisë dhe ushtrisë

美国总统特朗普在宣誓就职的前一天宣布,他将在周一发布行政命令,延长TikTok法律禁令生效前的期限,以达成协议保护美国的国家安全。特朗普说,他希望把TikTok 变成一家合资企业,美国在合资企业中拥有 50% 的所有权。特朗普前一天接受全国广播公司采访时表示,他很可能会在周一就职后给予 TikTok 90天的缓冲期,允许其继续运营。此前美国国会以压倒优势通过“不卖就禁”法案,并由前总统拜登签署成法律,要求与其中国母公司剥离,否则将以危害国家安全为由禁止在美国运营。TikTok向最高法院提出上诉,最高法院上周驳回上诉,指出TikTok涉及的问题是国家安全而不是言论自由。

Public Domain

美国总统特朗普在宣誓就职的前一天宣布,他将在周一发布行政命令,延长TikTok法律禁令生效前的期限,以达成协议保护美国的国家安全。特朗普说,他希望把TikTok 变成一家合资企业,美国在合资企业中拥有 50% 的所有权。特朗普前一天接受全国广播公司采访时表示,他很可能会在周一就职后给予 TikTok 90天的缓冲期,允许其继续运营。此前美国国会以压倒优势通过“不卖就禁”法案,并由前总统拜登签署成法律,要求与其中国母公司剥离,否则将以危害国家安全为由禁止在美国运营。TikTok向最高法院提出上诉,最高法院上周驳回上诉,指出TikTok涉及的问题是国家安全而不是言论自由。


Public Domain


В Государственном музее изобразительных искусств имени Пушкина во второй раз за два года меняют директора. Генеральный директор Елизавета Лихачёва уходит. Новым руководителем станет Ольга Галактионова, глава Государственного музейно-выставочного центра РОСИЗО. Елизавету Лихачёву назначили директором Государственного музейя изобразительных искусств имени А. С. Пушкина в Москве, второго крупнейшего художественного музея России после Эрмитажа, в 2023 году. Тогда Лихачёва сменила на этой...

Радио Свобода

В Государственном музее изобразительных искусств имени Пушкина во второй раз за два года меняют директора. Генеральный директор Елизавета Лихачёва уходит. Новым руководителем станет Ольга Галактионова, глава Государственного музейно-выставочного центра РОСИЗО. Елизавету Лихачёву назначили директором Государственного музейя изобразительных искусств имени А. С. Пушкина в Москве, второго крупнейшего художественного музея России после Эрмитажа, в 2023 году. Тогда Лихачёва сменила на этой...

В течение ближайших десяти лет пять человек в мире могут накопить состояние в размере 1 триллиона долларов каждый, в то время как «число людей, оказавшихся в ловушке бедности, почти не изменилось с 1990 года». Такие цифры содержатся в докладе международной организации Oxfam, специально подготовленном к открытию экономического форума в Давосе. По данным Oxfam, состояние миллиардеров за последний год выросло на 2 триллиона долларов по всему миру (в три раза больше, чем в 2023 году), и достигло в общей сумме 15 триллионов. «Политика, проводимая президентом Трампом, вероятно, усилит неравенство», — предупреждает организация.

Международное французское радио

В течение ближайших десяти лет пять человек в мире могут накопить состояние в размере 1 триллиона долларов каждый, в то время как «число людей, оказавшихся в ловушке бедности, почти не изменилось с 1990 года». Такие цифры содержатся в докладе международной организации Oxfam, специально подготовленном к открытию экономического форума в Давосе. По данным Oxfam, состояние миллиардеров за последний год выросло на 2 триллиона долларов по всему миру (в три раза больше, чем в 2023 году), и достигло в общей сумме 15 триллионов. «Политика, проводимая президентом Трампом, вероятно, усилит неравенство», — предупреждает организация.

1月20日,美国第47任总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)将宣誓就职,美国也将进入特朗普2.0新政时期。就职首日,特朗普预计将签署多项行政令。他会为本届就职典礼留下什么样的独特印记?美国之音为您进行即时报道。

Public Domain

1月20日,美国第47任总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)将宣誓就职,美国也将进入特朗普2.0新政时期。就职首日,特朗普预计将签署多项行政令。他会为本届就职典礼留下什么样的独特印记?美国之音为您进行即时报道。

Two things are "up in the air" in the small town of Gárdony: the smell of diesel and the future of the locals. Source


Two things are "up in the air" in the small town of Gárdony: the smell of diesel and the future of the locals. Source

Responding to Laura Watson's op-ed on the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) rule, I'd like to share my lived experience from decades in trucking and the supply chain. Our family entered trucking in 1946 when my grandfather bought his first two trucks, hauling Lucky Lager beer from Vancouver, WA. Over the decades, our operation grew to over 2,000 trucks by 2013 when we sold. We've also been heavy-duty truck dealers since 1985, expanding Gordon Truck Centers/Freightliner NW to 19 locations across several western states. We are one of the largest dealers in the country selling Freightliners, which has a 40% market share in North America. In 2020, Democrats in the legislature passed SB 5811, adopting California’s emissions standards as mandated by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). CARB has a federal waiver to employ their own emissions standards addressing the unique issues facing their state. Other states may adopt CARB standards, but they must be accepted in whole, with no variation. Washington has now outsourced our emissions to an unelected, out-of-state regulatory body, with no ability to comment or influence their rulings. Truck manufacturers have made incredible progress over the last 20 years meeting EPA limits. Since 2003, particulate matter has been reduced by half, and NOx has been reduced tenfold. Having grown up around diesel trucks from infancy (we lived for a few years in a corner of our truck yard), today’s trucks are nowhere near the “dirty diesel” depiction of some. In some jurisdictions, the exhaust is cleaner than the air around it, and I’ve been in plenty of indoor settings where a truck has been started and you don’t notice any difference from the exhaust. The ACT rule mandates zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) increasing sales quotas each year, with 8% this year. While officials claim they haven't banned new truck sales, manufacturers must comply by prioritizing ZEV sales, effectively limiting diesel (internal combustion engine) orders. This regulation impacts our ability to sell trucks, as EVs aren't ready for commercial heavy-duty use. For example, an EV truck costs around $400,000 compared to $150,000 for a diesel truck. EV trucks have a range of about 150 miles, whereas diesel trucks can go over 1,000 miles on a single tank. Additionally, EV trucks weigh approximately 8,000 pounds more, reducing their payload capacity and making them less efficient for weight-sensitive loads. Charging infrastructure is another major issue. The existing fueling network took decades to build; however, there are nearly zero EV charging locations for trucks. Expanding electrical capacity is challenging and often denied by local utilities. For instance, one of our larger dealership locations in a major supply chain hub requested expanded capacity from the local utility only to be told no. This lack of infrastructure makes it difficult to support the mandated shift to ZEVs. While officials in Washington and Oregon both claim that they haven’t “banned” new truck sales, they effectively have. Because manufacturers pay a penalty and take the regulation seriously, the only way they can ensure compliance is to have dealers first show evidence of a compliant ZEV sale before allowing a corresponding diesel or internal combustion engine order. Regulators seem to now blame manufacturers for attempting to comply with their regulations. To be clear, manufacturers want to build trucks and we want to sell them regardless of how they’re powered. But now we’re a dealership with no trucks to sell. Many of us pointed out the folly of tying ourselves to a highly ideological California regulatory board solving for a different set of challenges in the most radical way possible. We are now completely reliant on CARB for any changes or implementation delays. Given recent tragic fires in SoCal, it seems they will likely be even more preoccupied with local issues than states outside their purview. Washington lawmakers are handing a huge competitive advantage to other states not subject to these unreachable targets. Ironically, forcing fleets to forgo sales on new cleaner ICE vehicles will extend the life of older trucks in their fleets, assuring higher emissions than if we hadn’t lashed ourselves to California’s radical approach. It's time to face reality and put control back in the hands of lawmakers and regulatory agencies accountable to Washingtonians.

The Center Square

Responding to Laura Watson's op-ed on the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) rule, I'd like to share my lived experience from decades in trucking and the supply chain. Our family entered trucking in 1946 when my grandfather bought his first two trucks, hauling Lucky Lager beer from Vancouver, WA. Over the decades, our operation grew to over 2,000 trucks by 2013 when we sold. We've also been heavy-duty truck dealers since 1985, expanding Gordon Truck Centers/Freightliner NW to 19 locations across several western states. We are one of the largest dealers in the country selling Freightliners, which has a 40% market share in North America. In 2020, Democrats in the legislature passed SB 5811, adopting California’s emissions standards as mandated by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). CARB has a federal waiver to employ their own emissions standards addressing the unique issues facing their state. Other states may adopt CARB standards, but they must be accepted in whole, with no variation. Washington has now outsourced our emissions to an unelected, out-of-state regulatory body, with no ability to comment or influence their rulings. Truck manufacturers have made incredible progress over the last 20 years meeting EPA limits. Since 2003, particulate matter has been reduced by half, and NOx has been reduced tenfold. Having grown up around diesel trucks from infancy (we lived for a few years in a corner of our truck yard), today’s trucks are nowhere near the “dirty diesel” depiction of some. In some jurisdictions, the exhaust is cleaner than the air around it, and I’ve been in plenty of indoor settings where a truck has been started and you don’t notice any difference from the exhaust. The ACT rule mandates zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) increasing sales quotas each year, with 8% this year. While officials claim they haven't banned new truck sales, manufacturers must comply by prioritizing ZEV sales, effectively limiting diesel (internal combustion engine) orders. This regulation impacts our ability to sell trucks, as EVs aren't ready for commercial heavy-duty use. For example, an EV truck costs around $400,000 compared to $150,000 for a diesel truck. EV trucks have a range of about 150 miles, whereas diesel trucks can go over 1,000 miles on a single tank. Additionally, EV trucks weigh approximately 8,000 pounds more, reducing their payload capacity and making them less efficient for weight-sensitive loads. Charging infrastructure is another major issue. The existing fueling network took decades to build; however, there are nearly zero EV charging locations for trucks. Expanding electrical capacity is challenging and often denied by local utilities. For instance, one of our larger dealership locations in a major supply chain hub requested expanded capacity from the local utility only to be told no. This lack of infrastructure makes it difficult to support the mandated shift to ZEVs. While officials in Washington and Oregon both claim that they haven’t “banned” new truck sales, they effectively have. Because manufacturers pay a penalty and take the regulation seriously, the only way they can ensure compliance is to have dealers first show evidence of a compliant ZEV sale before allowing a corresponding diesel or internal combustion engine order. Regulators seem to now blame manufacturers for attempting to comply with their regulations. To be clear, manufacturers want to build trucks and we want to sell them regardless of how they’re powered. But now we’re a dealership with no trucks to sell. Many of us pointed out the folly of tying ourselves to a highly ideological California regulatory board solving for a different set of challenges in the most radical way possible. We are now completely reliant on CARB for any changes or implementation delays. Given recent tragic fires in SoCal, it seems they will likely be even more preoccupied with local issues than states outside their purview. Washington lawmakers are handing a huge competitive advantage to other states not subject to these unreachable targets. Ironically, forcing fleets to forgo sales on new cleaner ICE vehicles will extend the life of older trucks in their fleets, assuring higher emissions than if we hadn’t lashed ourselves to California’s radical approach. It's time to face reality and put control back in the hands of lawmakers and regulatory agencies accountable to Washingtonians.

Trump’s remarks at a Sunday rally in Washington on the eve of his January 20 inauguration have heightened uncertainty regarding his administration’s stance on the crisis-hit South Asian nation

Voice of America
Public Domain

Trump’s remarks at a Sunday rally in Washington on the eve of his January 20 inauguration have heightened uncertainty regarding his administration’s stance on the crisis-hit South Asian nation

32 minutes

အေမရိကန္အသံ သတင္းဌာန

Los Angeles မှာလောင်ကျွမ်းတဲ့မီးတွေထဲမှာ အဆိုးဆုံးမီးတခုဖြစ်တဲ့ Eaton Fire (အီတင်) မီးကို ကိုယ်တိုင် မြင်တွေ့ကြုံခဲ့ရတဲ့ Monrovia မြို့က မနီနီရဲ့ အတွေ့အကြုံတွေကို မစုမြတ်မွန်က လူမှုရှုခင်းမှာ တင်ပြထားပါတယ်။

အေမရိကန္အသံ သတင္းဌာန
Public Domain

Los Angeles မှာလောင်ကျွမ်းတဲ့မီးတွေထဲမှာ အဆိုးဆုံးမီးတခုဖြစ်တဲ့ Eaton Fire (အီတင်) မီးကို ကိုယ်တိုင် မြင်တွေ့ကြုံခဲ့ရတဲ့ Monrovia မြို့က မနီနီရဲ့ အတွေ့အကြုံတွေကို မစုမြတ်မွန်က လူမှုရှုခင်းမှာ တင်ပြထားပါတယ်။

រហូត​មក​ទល់​នឹងពេលនេះ ចំណាប់ខ្មាំង៣នាក់ក្នុង​ចំណោម​ចំណាប់​ខ្មាំង៩៩នាក់​ដែល​ត្រូវ​បាន​ឃុំខ្លួន​ដោយ​ពួក​សកម្ម​ប្រយុទ្ធ​ហាម៉ាស់​នៅ​ក្នុង​តំបន់​ហ្កាហ្សា​បាន​ត្រូវ​ដោះលែង ដោយ​៣០នាក់​ផ្សេង​ទៀត​ត្រូវ​គេ​គ្រោងដោះលែង​នៅ​ក្នុង​ដំណាក់កាល​ដំបូង​នៃ​កិច្ចព្រមព្រៀង​នេះ។

Public Domain

រហូត​មក​ទល់​នឹងពេលនេះ ចំណាប់ខ្មាំង៣នាក់ក្នុង​ចំណោម​ចំណាប់​ខ្មាំង៩៩នាក់​ដែល​ត្រូវ​បាន​ឃុំខ្លួន​ដោយ​ពួក​សកម្ម​ប្រយុទ្ធ​ហាម៉ាស់​នៅ​ក្នុង​តំបន់​ហ្កាហ្សា​បាន​ត្រូវ​ដោះលែង ដោយ​៣០នាក់​ផ្សេង​ទៀត​ត្រូវ​គេ​គ្រោងដោះលែង​នៅ​ក្នុង​ដំណាក់កាល​ដំបូង​នៃ​កិច្ចព្រមព្រៀង​នេះ។

The decision comes after Trump warned of an enemies list filled with those who have crossed him politically or sought to hold him accountable for his attempt to overturn his 2020 election loss and his role in the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021

Glas Amerike
Public Domain

The decision comes after Trump warned of an enemies list filled with those who have crossed him politically or sought to hold him accountable for his attempt to overturn his 2020 election loss and his role in the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021

Путін також привітав Дональда Трампа зі вступом на посаду президента США

Радіо Свобода

Путін також привітав Дональда Трампа зі вступом на посаду президента США

美國當選總統特朗普(Donald Trump)星期一(1月20日)正午將宣誓就職,開啟他歷史性的第二總統任期,而他在隨後發表的就職演說中將呼喚美國開展“常理革命”。

Public Domain

美國當選總統特朗普(Donald Trump)星期一(1月20日)正午將宣誓就職,開啟他歷史性的第二總統任期,而他在隨後發表的就職演說中將呼喚美國開展“常理革命”。

Президент России Владимир Путин провел совещание с постоянными членами Совбеза РФ. В двухминутном фрагменте, который опубликовала пресс-служба Кремля, Путин поздравляет Дональда Трампа со вступлением в должность президента США и говорит, что Москва готова к диалогу с Вашингтоном по поводу войны в Украине.


Президент России Владимир Путин провел совещание с постоянными членами Совбеза РФ. В двухминутном фрагменте, который опубликовала пресс-служба Кремля, Путин поздравляет Дональда Трампа со вступлением в должность президента США и говорит, что Москва готова к диалогу с Вашингтоном по поводу войны в Украине.