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Piktori Reshat Ameti këtë vit shënon 35 vjetorin e karrierës së tij artistike. Për gjithë këtë rrugëtim dhe shumë të tjera ai ndau më tepër detaje në një intervistë për Këtë vit shënoni 35 vjetorin e krijimtarisë tuaj, na tregoni sfidat dhe sukseset e këtij rrugëtimi? Reshat Ameti: Kam shumë gjëra për të […]

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Piktori Reshat Ameti këtë vit shënon 35 vjetorin e karrierës së tij artistike. Për gjithë këtë rrugëtim dhe shumë të tjera ai ndau më tepër detaje në një intervistë për Këtë vit shënoni 35 vjetorin e krijimtarisë tuaj, na tregoni sfidat dhe sukseset e këtij rrugëtimi? Reshat Ameti: Kam shumë gjëra për të […]

37 minutes

El Orden Mundial
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El Kremlin quiere imponerse en Ucrania más allá de unas negociaciones. Desde la invasión no ha dejado de militarizar a la sociedad rusa, incluso en los colegios. Aceptar sus demandas sólo le animaría a lanzarse a otro conflicto, como ha ocurrido hasta ahora. El belicismo es contra Occidente.

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El Orden Mundial

El Kremlin quiere imponerse en Ucrania más allá de unas negociaciones. Desde la invasión no ha dejado de militarizar a la sociedad rusa, incluso en los colegios. Aceptar sus demandas sólo le animaría a lanzarse a otro conflicto, como ha ocurrido hasta ahora. El belicismo es contra Occidente.

Desde la promulgación de la ley de seguridad nacional en junio de 2020 en Hong Kong, las exportaciones de la ciudad a Estados Unidos han estado sujetas a los mismos aranceles que se imponen a los productos chinos.

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Global Voices

Desde la promulgación de la ley de seguridad nacional en junio de 2020 en Hong Kong, las exportaciones de la ciudad a Estados Unidos han estado sujetas a los mismos aranceles que se imponen a los productos chinos.

Entrevista publicada originalmente en el blog Educa.Barcelona de El Diari de l’Educació El concejal de Educación de Barcelona destaca en esta entrevista la necesidad de contar con la mirada de la infancia, la adolescencia y las personas mayores a la hora de establecer políticas municipales para que la ciudad sea la suma de varias voces … L'entrada Lluís Rabell: “La visión de la ciudad educadora tiene que ver con la construcción de redes comunitarias” ha aparegut primer a Catalunya Plural.

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Catalunya Plural

Entrevista publicada originalmente en el blog Educa.Barcelona de El Diari de l’Educació El concejal de Educación de Barcelona destaca en esta entrevista la necesidad de contar con la mirada de la infancia, la adolescencia y las personas mayores a la hora de establecer políticas municipales para que la ciudad sea la suma de varias voces … L'entrada Lluís Rabell: “La visión de la ciudad educadora tiene que ver con la construcción de redes comunitarias” ha aparegut primer a Catalunya Plural.

სოციალური ქსელის Х (ყოფილი Twitter) მფლობელმა, ამერიკელმა ბიზნესმენმა ილონ მასკმა ტელეკომპანია  FOX NEWS-ისთვის მიცემულ ინტერვიუში განაცხადა, რომ  კიბერ ტავდასხმა უკრაინის ტერიტორიაზე შექმნილი IP მისამართებიდან განხორცილედა.  „დარწმუნებით არ ვიცით ზუსტად რა მოხდა, მაგრამ მასშტაბური  კიბერთავდასხმა განხორციელდა X-ზე სისტემის მწყობრიდან გამოყვანის მიზნით, უკრაინის ტერიტორიაზე შექმნილი IP მისამართებით“,  - თქვა მასკმა. პლატფორმაზე Х შეფერხებები ორშაბათს დილით დაიწყო. საღამოსთვის სოციალური...

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რადიო თავისუფლება

სოციალური ქსელის Х (ყოფილი Twitter) მფლობელმა, ამერიკელმა ბიზნესმენმა ილონ მასკმა ტელეკომპანია  FOX NEWS-ისთვის მიცემულ ინტერვიუში განაცხადა, რომ  კიბერ ტავდასხმა უკრაინის ტერიტორიაზე შექმნილი IP მისამართებიდან განხორცილედა.  „დარწმუნებით არ ვიცით ზუსტად რა მოხდა, მაგრამ მასშტაბური  კიბერთავდასხმა განხორციელდა X-ზე სისტემის მწყობრიდან გამოყვანის მიზნით, უკრაინის ტერიტორიაზე შექმნილი IP მისამართებით“,  - თქვა მასკმა. პლატფორმაზე Х შეფერხებები ორშაბათს დილით დაიწყო. საღამოსთვის სოციალური...

Entrevista publicada originalment en el blog Educa.Barcelona de El Diari de l’Educació El regidor d’Educació de Barcelona destaca en aquesta entrevista la necessitat de comptar amb la mirada de la infància, l’adolescència i les persones grans a l’hora d’establir polítiques municipals perquè la ciutat sigui la suma de diverses veus i ningú no en quedi … L'entrada Lluís Rabell: “La visió de la ciutat educadora té a veure amb la construcció de xarxes comunitàries” ha aparegut primer a Catalunya Plural.

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Catalunya Plural

Entrevista publicada originalment en el blog Educa.Barcelona de El Diari de l’Educació El regidor d’Educació de Barcelona destaca en aquesta entrevista la necessitat de comptar amb la mirada de la infància, l’adolescència i les persones grans a l’hora d’establir polítiques municipals perquè la ciutat sigui la suma de diverses veus i ningú no en quedi … L'entrada Lluís Rabell: “La visió de la ciutat educadora té a veure amb la construcció de xarxes comunitàries” ha aparegut primer a Catalunya Plural.

La première session parlementaire sur les trois que compte l'année s'ouvre, ce 11 mars, au Cameroun. Comme de coutume,  cette session sera dédiée au renouvellement des bureaux des deux chambres : l'Assemblée nationale et le Sénat. Mais, année électorale oblige, l'opposition parlementaire compte profiter de ce retour dans l'hémicycle des députés et sénateurs pour pousser le pouvoir à des réformes du code électoral.

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Radio France Internationale

La première session parlementaire sur les trois que compte l'année s'ouvre, ce 11 mars, au Cameroun. Comme de coutume,  cette session sera dédiée au renouvellement des bureaux des deux chambres : l'Assemblée nationale et le Sénat. Mais, année électorale oblige, l'opposition parlementaire compte profiter de ce retour dans l'hémicycle des députés et sénateurs pour pousser le pouvoir à des réformes du code électoral.

Законопроект предусматривает финансирование правительства до конца финансового года

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Голос Америки
Public Domain

Законопроект предусматривает финансирование правительства до конца финансового года

Un equipo de astrónomos han identificado pruebas sólidas de la existencia de uno de estos objetos colosales y de su influencia en el origen de las "estrellas hiperveloces".

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Un equipo de astrónomos han identificado pruebas sólidas de la existencia de uno de estos objetos colosales y de su influencia en el origen de las "estrellas hiperveloces".

46 minutes

Voice of America
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Rubio: Trump administration determined to end Russia-Ukraine war ‘as soon as possible’

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Voice of America
Public Domain

Rubio: Trump administration determined to end Russia-Ukraine war ‘as soon as possible’

هیات واگذاری با پرداخت بدهی تامین اجتماعی با واگذاری بدون تشریفات سهام دولت موافقت کرد.

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خبرگزاری تسنیم

هیات واگذاری با پرداخت بدهی تامین اجتماعی با واگذاری بدون تشریفات سهام دولت موافقت کرد.

Студентите во Србија во понеделник навечер ги блокираа влезовите на Радио-телевизија Србија (РТС) и најавија дека блокадата ќе трае 22 часа. При обид да се блокира едниот влез во зградата, дојде до инцидент кога полицијата употреби сила против собраните демонстранти, обајви ТВ Н1. Иако редарите формираа жив ѕид, полицијата успеа да влезе во зградата. Студентите […]

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Студентите во Србија во понеделник навечер ги блокираа влезовите на Радио-телевизија Србија (РТС) и најавија дека блокадата ќе трае 22 часа. При обид да се блокира едниот влез во зградата, дојде до инцидент кога полицијата употреби сила против собраните демонстранти, обајви ТВ Н1. Иако редарите формираа жив ѕид, полицијата успеа да влезе во зградата. Студентите […]

بررسی سوال کامران غضنفری نماینده تهران از احمد میدری وزیر تعاون، کار و رفاه اجتماعی در دستورکار نمایندگان در جلسه علنی امروز قرار دارد.

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خبرگزاری تسنیم

بررسی سوال کامران غضنفری نماینده تهران از احمد میدری وزیر تعاون، کار و رفاه اجتماعی در دستورکار نمایندگان در جلسه علنی امروز قرار دارد.

رهبر اپوزیسیون اسرائیل در کنست اعلام کرد، در صورتی که جنگ در نوار غزه از سر گرفته شود، به طور حتم اسرای این رژیم در غزه همگی کشته خواهند شد.

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خبرگزاری تسنیم

رهبر اپوزیسیون اسرائیل در کنست اعلام کرد، در صورتی که جنگ در نوار غزه از سر گرفته شود، به طور حتم اسرای این رژیم در غزه همگی کشته خواهند شد.

Украінскі бок не пацьвярджае атаку.

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Радыё Свабода/Радыё Свабодная Эўропа

Украінскі бок не пацьвярджае атаку.

52 minutes

El Diari de l'Educació
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El passat 12 de febrer de 2025, Oriol Bartomeus, director de l’Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials (ICPS), presentava el Sondeig d’Opinió 2024, el número 35 de la sèrie, cosa que permet comparar any a any l’evolució de l’opinió de l’electorat català des de 1989. Aquesta vegada, el sondeig dedicava un bloc sencer de preguntes [...]

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El Diari de l'Educació

El passat 12 de febrer de 2025, Oriol Bartomeus, director de l’Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials (ICPS), presentava el Sondeig d’Opinió 2024, el número 35 de la sèrie, cosa que permet comparar any a any l’evolució de l’opinió de l’electorat català des de 1989. Aquesta vegada, el sondeig dedicava un bloc sencer de preguntes [...]

52 minutes

Ազատ Եվրոպա/Ազատություն
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«Մենք վայրէջք կատարեցինք Ջիդդայում», - հաղորդում է France-Presse-ը՝ վկայակոչելով ուկրաինական պատվիրակության պաշտոնական ներկայացուցչին։

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Ազատ Եվրոպա/Ազատություն
Public Domain

«Մենք վայրէջք կատարեցինք Ջիդդայում», - հաղորդում է France-Presse-ը՝ վկայակոչելով ուկրաինական պատվիրակության պաշտոնական ներկայացուցչին։

"ทนายอานนท์" เผยมีชื่อตัวเองจะถูกย้ายไปคุกบางขวางทั้งที่ยังไม่มีคดีไหนสิ้นสุด ก่อนหน้านี้ศูนย์ทนายความฯ เคยรายงานว่ามีการย้ายนักโทษการเมืองออกจากเรือนจำพิเศษกรุงเทพโดยที่คดียังไม่สิ้นสุดเช่นกันอีก 8 คน เข้าคุกบางขวางไปแล้ว 6 คน พบปัญหาเยี่ยมยากไม่มีระบบส่งจดหมายผ่านแอพ "โดมิเมล"

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"ทนายอานนท์" เผยมีชื่อตัวเองจะถูกย้ายไปคุกบางขวางทั้งที่ยังไม่มีคดีไหนสิ้นสุด ก่อนหน้านี้ศูนย์ทนายความฯ เคยรายงานว่ามีการย้ายนักโทษการเมืองออกจากเรือนจำพิเศษกรุงเทพโดยที่คดียังไม่สิ้นสุดเช่นกันอีก 8 คน เข้าคุกบางขวางไปแล้ว 6 คน พบปัญหาเยี่ยมยากไม่มีระบบส่งจดหมายผ่านแอพ "โดมิเมล"

به نظر می‌رسد سرعت تأیید انتشار یک کتاب در کانون چندان همخوانی با نیازهای حوزه کتاب نوجوان ندارد؛ آن هم در شرایطی که ورود بی‌ضابطه کتاب‌های ترجمه نگرانی‌ فعالان فرهنگی را به همراه داشته است.

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خبرگزاری تسنیم

به نظر می‌رسد سرعت تأیید انتشار یک کتاب در کانون چندان همخوانی با نیازهای حوزه کتاب نوجوان ندارد؛ آن هم در شرایطی که ورود بی‌ضابطه کتاب‌های ترجمه نگرانی‌ فعالان فرهنگی را به همراه داشته است.

The recent discovery of a caravan full of explosives in Dural, in Sydney’s northwest, caused significant fear about the possibility of a mass casualty attack. On Monday, the Australian Federal Police declared it and 14 antisemitic attacks a “con job” by organised criminals who were trying to distract police or use it as a bargaining chip to influence prosecutions. Following dawn raids, more than 140 charges have been laid, including for arson, possessing prohibited weapons, and destroying property – but not terrorism. On radio, New South Wales Premier Chris Minns said the acts had “unleashed terror” that was very real for the Jewish community, despite revelations about the true motive. Minns did not say the explosives and attacks would qualify legally as terrorism, but his comments raise an important question: can “fake” terrorism still be terrorism, especially if it causes significant fear? Terrorism requires a political, religious or ideological cause Australia’s legal definition of terrorism is found in the federal Criminal Code. It triggers many offences and it targets both conduct and threats – but these must all be done for the purpose of advancing a “political, religious or ideological cause”. This motive requirement is the main element that distinguishes terrorism from crimes such as murder, assault and property damage. It is the major barrier to prosecuting these acts as terrorism. The apparent motive was to benefit organised crime interests. It cannot be terrorism if it was not intended to advance a political, religious or ideological cause. There is another requirement that terrorism be designed to intimidate part of the community (or a government), but this is additional to the motive requirement, and both need to be proven. If any single element in a prosecution fails, the defendant will be found not guilty. This does not lessen the significant impacts on the Jewish community. It just explains why terrorism charges have not been laid. What about hoax terrorism? In addition to the main terrorism offences, there are offences for hoax terrorist acts. These were created in 2002 as part of Australia’s first legal responses to terrorism. They were prompted by anthrax attacks and scares in the United States after the September 11 2001 attacks. These do not rely on the definition of the terrorist act, so the motive requirement explained above need not be proven. However, they apply only in very specific cases, similar to copycat anthrax attacks, in which someone uses the postal service to induce a false belief that an article contains an explosive or dangerous substance (for example, if someone sends a letter containing harmless white powder with a threatening note). A similar offence applies where someone uses a carriage service to make a hoax threat. This could apply if an organised criminal group phoned in a fake bomb threat. This sounds quite similar to recent events, but the offence relates to the use of a carriage service to make a fake threat – not the discovery of real explosives. This might seem a ridiculous conclusion: that the threat was actually not fake enough. If an organised criminal group phoned in a “genuinely fake” threat, they could have been prosecuted under federal terrorism laws, but not if they planted real explosives. This is a product of trigger-response lawmaking in terrorism. The postal hoax laws were drafted in direct response to events in the US after 9/11, and the legacy remains. In any case, the hoax offences do not attract any higher penalties than the ones being charged. In NSW, destroying or damaging property with fire attracts the same maximum penalty of ten years’ imprisonment. Political and community needs It is important to remember that police and prosecutors will make decisions to pursue specific charges based on the evidence available and the likelihood of a successful conviction for the highest penalty. This will be based on their previous experience. If they believe they can secure a conviction for arson or property damage, but a case for terrorism or hoax terrorism might fail, they will prefer the charges with the higher chance of success. As members of the wider community, we may wish to see different or additional charges laid, but we will not know all the evidence behind a decision to allege one crime or another. Police and prosecutors are not infallible, but we can trust they will aim to secure the highest available penalty. It is understandable that governments, the opposition and the wider community want clear statements and answers about whether a crime is terrorism or not. Unfortunately, this level of clarity is not always available. In the midst of a crisis, such as the Sydney Lindt Cafe siege or Wieambilla ambush, it can be difficult to know all the circumstances that gave rise to the event, and an offender’s motivations. In the aftermath, it can take months – even years, through major inquests and inquiries – for consensus to arise. Even then, views on whether a given act was terrorism may still differ. The most definitive answer comes when a jury of 12 community members finds an offender guilty of terrorism beyond reasonable doubt. Unfortunately, this sort of clarity is not always possible, because the evidence available means a terrorism charge was not pursued, or an offender was killed in the attack. It is rarely an urgent question for governments and communities to know whether organised crime activities will be prosecuted under one law or another, but terrorism provokes a special, understandable concern – especially in the current environment. It reflects valid community needs to denounce antisemitism as terrorism and achieve justice for victims. But justice can be achieved regardless of the specific charges that police and prosecutors pursue. Better that they secure convictions, even for “lesser” crimes in the community’s eyes, than they seek terrorism charges and fail. Keiran Hardy receives funding from the Australian Research Council for a Discovery Project on conspiracy extremism.

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The Conversation

The recent discovery of a caravan full of explosives in Dural, in Sydney’s northwest, caused significant fear about the possibility of a mass casualty attack. On Monday, the Australian Federal Police declared it and 14 antisemitic attacks a “con job” by organised criminals who were trying to distract police or use it as a bargaining chip to influence prosecutions. Following dawn raids, more than 140 charges have been laid, including for arson, possessing prohibited weapons, and destroying property – but not terrorism. On radio, New South Wales Premier Chris Minns said the acts had “unleashed terror” that was very real for the Jewish community, despite revelations about the true motive. Minns did not say the explosives and attacks would qualify legally as terrorism, but his comments raise an important question: can “fake” terrorism still be terrorism, especially if it causes significant fear? Terrorism requires a political, religious or ideological cause Australia’s legal definition of terrorism is found in the federal Criminal Code. It triggers many offences and it targets both conduct and threats – but these must all be done for the purpose of advancing a “political, religious or ideological cause”. This motive requirement is the main element that distinguishes terrorism from crimes such as murder, assault and property damage. It is the major barrier to prosecuting these acts as terrorism. The apparent motive was to benefit organised crime interests. It cannot be terrorism if it was not intended to advance a political, religious or ideological cause. There is another requirement that terrorism be designed to intimidate part of the community (or a government), but this is additional to the motive requirement, and both need to be proven. If any single element in a prosecution fails, the defendant will be found not guilty. This does not lessen the significant impacts on the Jewish community. It just explains why terrorism charges have not been laid. What about hoax terrorism? In addition to the main terrorism offences, there are offences for hoax terrorist acts. These were created in 2002 as part of Australia’s first legal responses to terrorism. They were prompted by anthrax attacks and scares in the United States after the September 11 2001 attacks. These do not rely on the definition of the terrorist act, so the motive requirement explained above need not be proven. However, they apply only in very specific cases, similar to copycat anthrax attacks, in which someone uses the postal service to induce a false belief that an article contains an explosive or dangerous substance (for example, if someone sends a letter containing harmless white powder with a threatening note). A similar offence applies where someone uses a carriage service to make a hoax threat. This could apply if an organised criminal group phoned in a fake bomb threat. This sounds quite similar to recent events, but the offence relates to the use of a carriage service to make a fake threat – not the discovery of real explosives. This might seem a ridiculous conclusion: that the threat was actually not fake enough. If an organised criminal group phoned in a “genuinely fake” threat, they could have been prosecuted under federal terrorism laws, but not if they planted real explosives. This is a product of trigger-response lawmaking in terrorism. The postal hoax laws were drafted in direct response to events in the US after 9/11, and the legacy remains. In any case, the hoax offences do not attract any higher penalties than the ones being charged. In NSW, destroying or damaging property with fire attracts the same maximum penalty of ten years’ imprisonment. Political and community needs It is important to remember that police and prosecutors will make decisions to pursue specific charges based on the evidence available and the likelihood of a successful conviction for the highest penalty. This will be based on their previous experience. If they believe they can secure a conviction for arson or property damage, but a case for terrorism or hoax terrorism might fail, they will prefer the charges with the higher chance of success. As members of the wider community, we may wish to see different or additional charges laid, but we will not know all the evidence behind a decision to allege one crime or another. Police and prosecutors are not infallible, but we can trust they will aim to secure the highest available penalty. It is understandable that governments, the opposition and the wider community want clear statements and answers about whether a crime is terrorism or not. Unfortunately, this level of clarity is not always available. In the midst of a crisis, such as the Sydney Lindt Cafe siege or Wieambilla ambush, it can be difficult to know all the circumstances that gave rise to the event, and an offender’s motivations. In the aftermath, it can take months – even years, through major inquests and inquiries – for consensus to arise. Even then, views on whether a given act was terrorism may still differ. The most definitive answer comes when a jury of 12 community members finds an offender guilty of terrorism beyond reasonable doubt. Unfortunately, this sort of clarity is not always possible, because the evidence available means a terrorism charge was not pursued, or an offender was killed in the attack. It is rarely an urgent question for governments and communities to know whether organised crime activities will be prosecuted under one law or another, but terrorism provokes a special, understandable concern – especially in the current environment. It reflects valid community needs to denounce antisemitism as terrorism and achieve justice for victims. But justice can be achieved regardless of the specific charges that police and prosecutors pursue. Better that they secure convictions, even for “lesser” crimes in the community’s eyes, than they seek terrorism charges and fail. Keiran Hardy receives funding from the Australian Research Council for a Discovery Project on conspiracy extremism.